
November 4, 2019

Small multifamily loans, big opportunity webcast

Small multifamily loans, big opportunity webcast

Did you miss our small multifamily loans webcast? We've got you covered! You can access the recording here.

Our aim is to provide you with an overview of the market and lay out all of the options available to you within the small multifamily lending space. We discuss everything from the definition of small apartment financing and the current market, to GSE lending options (Freddie Mac Small Balance Lending and the Fannie Mae Small Loans Program) and bank lending.  

This table of contents can guide you throughout the presentation:

  • 0:00 Welcome
  • 0:15 Introduction
  • 1:25 Agenda
  • 2:00 About Walker & Dunlop
  • 5:34 What are Small Loans?
  • 11:53 Products & Financing Advice
  • 22:27 Our Offerings/New Product Announcement
  • 24:07 Questions & Answers
  • 37:28 Contact Information

If you have any questions about apartment financing via small loans program, contact our experts today.

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