Finance & Economy

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Be a better thinker! Peter Linneman & Albert Ratner on the economic effect of longer life spans

December 21, 2022

Be a better thinker! Peter Linneman & Albert Ratner on the economic effect of longer life spans

Dr. Peter Linneman & Albert Ratner

Leading Economist, Former Wharton Professor & Former CEO of Forest City Realty Trust

Dr. Peter Linneman and Albert Ratner join Willy to discuss longevity and its financial implications.

Scientific and technological breakthroughs are going to revolutionize the human ability to live longer, younger, and better – but how will this impact us financially and economically?

On this episode of the Walker Webcast, we were joined by two of the authors of The Great Age Reboot, former CEO of Forest City Realty Trust, Albert Ratner and acclaimed economist Dr. Peter Linneman. They discussed hot topics including how longevity will reshape the housing market, the impact on GDP and the economy, shifting employment trends, immigration and population growth, and so much more.

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