
Trailblazing for an Equitable Future with Gloria Steinem

March 13, 2024

Trailblazing for an Equitable Future with Gloria Steinem

Gloaria Steinem

Writer, Lecturer, Political Activist, and Feminist Organizer

Find out what Gloria Steinem, one of the foremost leaders of the women’s rights movement, has to say about an equitable future.

I recently enjoyed a rare, in-person interview with Gloria Steinem. Gloria is a writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer best known for pioneering the women’s rights movement in the 1970s. We enjoyed a wide-ranging discussion — from where the women’s rights movement is going to what she would tell a 20-year-old version of herself.

Fighting for pro-choice rights

Throughout Gloria’s life, she has championed women’s rights, including a woman’s right to choose. Her own experience partly influenced this. When she was 22 years old and working in London, she discovered she was pregnant. Abortion was illegal at that time in the UK.  However, she found a doctor willing to help her, Dr. John Sharpe. Although he was risking his ability to practice medicine, he helped Gloria and told her, “Don’t tell anyone my name, and do what you want with your life.” Gloria describes Dr. Sharpe as a tremendously wise and kind man who was there for her in her moment of need, which is one of the reasons why she dedicated her book, My Life on the Road, to him.  

Where is the women’s rights movement heading?

Despite the fact that the women’s rights movement has come a long way throughout Gloria’s life, it still has quite a way to go. Issues like a woman’s right to choose are still making headlines after the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. Additionally, gender roles are still very prevalent in today’s society. Many believe that although women can and should work secularly, they should also be primarily responsible for tasks around the home, and men should be the primary breadwinners. Gloria, along with countless people around the globe, believes this needs to change, as it is a virtual prison for both men and women. Gloria believes that this is now changing, as younger generations grow older and begin their lives as adults.

What would Gloria Steinem tell her 20-year-old self?

While there are countless things that Gloria would want to tell her 20-year-old self, the most important thing would be that “everything is going to be okay.”  Younger people tend to have fewer life experiences, which can make problems seem much larger than they really are. One of the most important things to keep in mind as a younger person is that things tend to be okay in the end. Although it’s very rare that the best case scenario will play out in any given situation, having the worst-case scenario play out is equally rare.

Want more?

I regularly get a chance to sit down with living legends, titans of industry, and people who have forever changed the trajectory of history, like Gloria. To see our list of upcoming guests, check out the Walker Webcast!

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