W&D Community

March 27, 2023

Women’s History Month spotlight: Stephanie Pratt

Women’s History Month spotlight: Stephanie Pratt
Stephanie Pratt

Tell us a little bit about how you started your career.

Before entering the CRE industry in 2012, I attended grad school for criminology at the University of Maryland in College Park. I was a direct admit into the PhD program and had every intention of completing my degree. It wasn't until completing my masters that I knew I was ready for a change. I had no idea where to start the job search, so my sister mentioned an opportunity available in the closing group at Greystone Servicing Corporation. It was only supposed to be temporary but over 10 years later, I am still in closing and could not be happier! I will forever be thankful for that opportunity at Greystone as it has opened so many doors and has allowed me to meet to so many amazing people and led me to my role at Walker & Dunlop.

As your career has evolved over time, tell us about a significant moment, opportunity, event, or person that impacted the course of your career.

The most significant moment in my career thus far was being approached in 2018 to build the closing team for small balance loans at W&D. I did not know it at the time, but I was ready for a new challenge, and it encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone. At the time that I was approached, I was closing loans at Newmark Knight Frank but knew I wanted to lead my own team one day. I also knew an opportunity like this one at W&D would not come around again. I am so happy I made the move as it has truly been life changing for me.

Women in particular often look back and wish we had been kinder to our younger selves — what piece of advice would you give your 25-year-old self?

To not worry so much. Society makes us feel like we have deadlines to meet based on existing norms which creates this comparison effect with our peers. But life will happen in its own time and each of our journeys look different. Once you realize there is nobody just like you in the world, you feel less inclined to compare yourself to those around you. I encourage everyone to embrace this no matter how old you are.

What gets you out of bed in the morning feeling energized and ready to take on the day?

I meet with a trainer first thing in the morning several days a week to not only hold myself accountable but also to ensure that I am carving out time for my own personal wellness.  But in addition to that, I am motivated each day to show up for my amazing team and to be the best version of myself for them.

Many of us have the privilege of knowing you professionally, but what is something that would surprise people to know about you?

I love sports (truly).  I follow the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens, as well as my alma mater: University of Maryland (Go Terps!). My heart is with baseball having grown up watching the Orioles on TV with my dad and watching my dad play softball. I personally have played softball since I was a little kid and enjoy playing in co-ed recreational leagues to this day. We would love to see some new faces on the W&D softball team in Bethesda.

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